A downloadable game

DISCLAIMER: This game is intended for those who have completed some of all of the Five Night's at Freddy's franchise. You must be thirteen or older to play. Warning: Loud noises, flashing images, and jump-scares. Narrators may not be completely reliable. 

This is Chapter One of a possible series, and I'm using FNaF 1-4. More LORE to come but the Faz Rune is an actual thing so yeah. 

You'll see the OG four, and some new faces as well. Don't touch any weird purple crystals though. I heard it made someone go crazy.

BloxGames News: Continuation from https://daftblock-dev.itch.io/fnaffalopi (archived) as its own thing with custom characters. Lopi fans don't you worry, she's in there. 

Punkalopi Night?